
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why should a barefoot pregnant 18 yr old girl be concerned about global warming?

Well first I'm barefoot because I just got home from the park where my fiance and I did out triweekly regimen of exercises and running and decided to take my shoes and socks off before dinner to relax. I'm pregnant because he was a VERY BAD BOY and must suffer the consequence by marrying me later this year. In my last question on global warming I learned some of the dire consequences of sudden climatic changes, coastal flooding, disruption to the Ozone Layer, drought in places, flooding in other places, etc. In spite of all that I believe that humanity will take no action to fix those problems so we should focus our efforts on protecting ourselves from the consequences. We are facing countries such as China who will do nothing to protect the environment and a dark religion in the Middle East that wants to control the world and impose its brutal ideology on the world's people. I suggest we just let global warming happen and advise people to move away from the world's coasts.

Why should a barefoot pregnant 18 yr old girl be concerned about global warming?
The contribution to Global Warming made by human activity presents us with a dilemma.

That dilemma is whether or not to shut down our economies in an attempt to prevent Global Warming.

Unfortunately preventing Global Warming will cost us a great deal. The sacrifices necessary will be very painful.

The contribution to Global Warming from carbon dioxide released to the atmosphere by human activity cannot be eliminated by turning our a few lights, recycling more and buying hybrid cars.

We would have to completely shut down our transportation system including mass transit, rail and truck transportation in addition to the complete elimination of personal automobiles, shipping and air travel.

We would have to stop generating electricity through the use of fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas.

We would have to stop heating out homes. We could not heat our homes with natural gas, propane, fuel oil electricity or wood.

We would have to eliminate all electric lighting in our homes and cities. We would have to eliminate all appliances that use electricity including our televisions and radios.

We would have to eliminate all of our cooking with natural gas and electricity.

We would have to force all of the other countries on the face of the earth including the People's Republic of China and India to do the same.

We do not have the military capability or the political will to do that.

Plus, even if we did, it would require fossil fuel to operate the tanks, ships and aircraft involved in any military operation.

If we do not shut down our economy and the economies of the rest of the world we cannot make enough of a cutback in the production of carbon dioxide to prevent Global Warming.

The consequences of the kind of cutbacks and the military action that would be required to enforce those cutbacks are unacceptable in my opinion.

The other alternative is to accept the fact that we cannot prevent Global Warming and start our preparations now to alleviate the negative effects of Global Warming such as rising sea levels and the change in the weather patterns that will negatively impact food production in developing countries.

Many coastal areas can be protected by dikes similar to those in used in Holland to protect against flooding by the sea. For those aeas that cannot be protected by dikes, we need to assist the people living in those areas to move to areas that are safe from flooding.

We also should identify the developing countries that will have their food production negatively impacted.

We will need to help those countries build up their economies and manufacturing base so that they will be able to afford the food they will need to import to support their populations.
Reply:This is the world you will leave to your heirs. There may be more concrete than trees and fresh air in their lifetime, so we need to change our wasteful behaviors now. It always begins in the home. Get in the habit of recycling and they will too.
Reply:do you care about your kid?

what kind of world would you like him/her to have?

one expected consequence of global warming is a change in rainfall patterns.

with a very good chance that the middle of the USA where most of the wheat is grown, will again become a dust bowl, and probably not ever recover.

that means starvation, unless we can import food, at very high prices -- higher than oil now -- because food will be short all over the world, and that's what happens when there isn't enough.

keep in mind that the "dark religion in the Middle East" has power because of shortages of money, food, water, and oil.

when people are desperate, they support causes that promise them what they need.

and the US has been notoriosly poor in (A) realizing that, and (B) addressing the problem rationally.

SO, no, i don't expect you to go out and buy a new Toyota Prius.

you might use CF light bulbs. they save energy and last longer.

you might let your home get a bit warmer, or cooler, before turning on the A/C or heat. it'll save you money.

if you've 3 things at 3 different stores to get, you might try to get them all on the same trip. it'll save you gas -- and money.

AND, you might vote for someone who has your children's interest at heart, rather than the profits of his oil stocks.
Reply:Because moving millions of people away from the coasts, replacing what's lost to flooding, and changing agriculture and irrigation systems around to deal with changes in precipitation and temperature, will cost huge sums of money.

You and your child will be poorer as a result. More details here:

It will be far cheaper to do some things to reduce it so we can more easily cope with the remaining effects. Details:
Reply:Honestly, it's pointless to get too concerned about "global warming." You should recycle, cut down on energy usage, etc for economical reasons and to keep our land and air clean, but if the climate is going ot change, it's going to change. China and other countries are polluting more as we're polluting less and there's nothing we can do about that without having another war on our hands. There are so many more problems to worry about today, like the grenade waiting to explode in the middle east. I don't know why politicians are expending so much energy on this subject when they've waited this long to worry about it in the first place. Will it really matter if the earth is flooded if there is no one left because we were all obliterated in a nuclear WWIII?
Reply:And I thought it was because she had a bad case of GAS!.
Reply:at 18 I thought you would be a bit more informed. Do you not want your child to grow up in a world that has rain forests, and snow and different seasons. It is not just about rising waters. Not only are you ill informed but a racist too. You don't impose the beliefs of a few onto the millions that follow that religion. If we did this sort of thing imagine what conclusions people would draw on an unmarried 18 year old?
Reply:I should think that being pregnant would make you all the more concerned about the issues of Global Warming. We can all point fingers and play the 'blame game' but the truth is we'll all go down with the sinking ship.

You should be more concerned than ever due to the fact that you'll be bringing a child into the world and the legacy we're leaving for following generations.

But then, being an unwed mother at 18 shows that you don't think until after the fact, if even then.
Reply:For your child's sake, you should always be concerned about the environment, doing your part to conserve, giving your child the best chance of living a good and full life.

Whether global warming is a phenomenon that can or needs to be controlled, that shouldn't stop you from doing what is right.
Reply:we all should be concerned on how to stop it,it is a vital thing

i like your choice of footwear
Reply:Nothing will happen unless we look at ourselves, first. It's not just "a dark religion in the Middle East," or China that will threaten life for humans and other animals on earth but also big oil companies right here in the US that lobby to cover up the adverse effects of our fossil-fuel powered economy.

I'm not saying there aren't trouble-makers elsewhere in the world, but if we don't look at our own shortcomings, first, we're really in no position to point fingers.

Finally, when our kids grow up, isn't it better to tell them we did everything we could to help remedy the problem, whether or not we solved global warming.

I'm thinking that future generations will be a bit pissed at us if we do nothing.

What do we stand to lose by using cloth bags at the grocery store and driving more fuel efficient vehicles or driving less?
Reply:Well, you did a good job of listing some of the problems climate is likely to cause (though there's more, none of it good). And of point out that getting the kind of worldwide co-operation that is needed isn't going to be easy.

But why should it concern you? A fair question. And here's the answer: at 18, you are going to live most of your life in an eera of climate change--with the disruptions, costs, and wars its going to cause if we don't act to change things.

And what kind of world to you want for your child. We are blessed with a beuatiful planet that is our home--do you want to pass that along toyour child. Or do you want to leave a pigsty and tell him/her: "sorry about that--your tough luck, kid."

Your choice.
Reply:Global warming is going to happen... scientists are not even 100% sure it is our fault... but it is happening.

You have answered your own question... we'll just learn to adapt.
Reply:thats pretty short sighted thinking. If people only think about the present and not worry about the future there would be a lot more pregnant 18yr olds I guess.
Reply:I try to learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of others. Some things are preventable. Like getting knocked up. Some things are not preventable, like someday dying and leaving your child to fend for him/herself in whatever world you leave behind.

Do you part. Figure out what that can be.
Reply:For one you are pregnant and the child you have will have children so on and so on but if global warming occurs alot of people dont understand we will soon fall into an ice age after and the **** hits the fan. I am not a tree hugger but I do think everyone should do his part to try a little. leaders will make other people follow and if so many people started to do it others will follow, Humans are like sheep we will all do what the other does so if enough of us do something I do believe most people will follow. We cant just let it go it will be disasterous. We need to explore other planets such as mars where we could actually change the atmosphere and make the air breathable by emitting greenhouse gasses to make the ozone thicker. We are good at that.
Reply:I suggest you take good care of yourself, and get ready.


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