My 6 yr old son is having his tonsils removed in two weeks.
I know i shouldnt be worried but to see him all sedated and in pain really really shakes me. I know to doctors removing tonsils is like tying shoes to them its so common. Anyone who has gone through this, what should i expect when hes home, how long should he be kept home from school and how long should the severity of his pain last? These are all questions i could ask his doctor, but they will tell me, i just want it from a parents point of view. Thanks everyone
Anyone with a young child that had tonsils removed?
Young children take tonsillectomy better than adults and girls better than boys. He will be in pain. They will give him narcotic pain med for that and he can also take ibuprofen once a day. He will also be given antibiotics to keep the bacteria count down usually about 5-7 days worth. The pain is decreased if he stays hydrated. Do not let him spit out his saliva. Swallow, swallow, swallow. Let him eat or drink anything he wants. If he wants salty potatoe chips let him have it. Eating will not be as important as staying hydrated during this time. Day 5- 14 he is at greater chance of bleeding because the scabs start falling off and he will complain of his ears hurting-absolutely normal, it exposes nerve endings which radiate the pain to his ears. When you look in his throat there will be whittish gray discoloration, this is normal not infection. If he bleeds excessively take him to the nearest ER, call doctor on the way not before (make sure you tell ER he had a tonsillectomy or they will see whittish scabbing and diagnose him with throat infection, give antibiotics and send him home). Blood tinged mucus is nothing to worry about you will know the difference. Call doctor if he has temp over 100.9 after first day. He may also be nauseated after, request they give him something by IV before you leave hospital and something to give at home if needed. Most good doctors will before asking. Phenergan gel rubbed on the wrist works well but usually has to be compounded. He will probably sleep for the first day due to the anesthesia. Expect him to have foul breathe for several weeks after. At his one week post op they will tell you when he is ready to go back to school, usually at about day 8 or 9. When he can yawn without it hurting, you know he is healed. Good luck. It is harder on the parents than the child.
Reply:It really isn't all that painful. You will not see your son unconcious as they don't put you under until you are in the operating room. When he comes back to you he will asleep and that is all that it will seem like. He will probably have a sore throat for about a week or so, keep lots of juice and popsicles around.
Reply:My son had his out when he was about 5 and the pain was not too bad after the operation and of course he enjoyed it because he got ice cream and jello. When I took him home I had to be careful with his food for 7 days and he snuck into the kitchen and ate some bread which got stuck in the back of his throat. I had to take him to the doctor and the bread was removed. He was back to normal and feeling great within one week and I had to work to keep him from getting too active. My daughter had hers out when she was 16 and that was very serious and she had a hard time. The great thing about young kids is that they bouce back so fast.
Reply:I know u want a parents point of view but I am 13 yrs. old and I had my tonsils removed 1 yrs.ago and the surgery is very easy and fast I was in for about 15 min.s and i was done. the pain wil last a few days maybe a week and thats it.but u may want to stock up on icecream and other really soft foods cause thats all he will be eating for a while.
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