
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Any one living or living cancer free of ALL Leukemia?

My boyfriend was diagnosed with ALL Leukemia last month.

He is being prepped for a BMT.

The interenet is a scary place, when your researching about

this cancer. So I am looking for some rays of HOPE and

looking to hear from those that have walked in his shoes.

God bless you all. My heart aches for those that have this

type of cancer or those that have family / friends with it.

Any one living or living cancer free of ALL Leukemia?
You sound like a very concerned and caring person. Bless you.

There are hundreds of people who are living cancer free of ALL leukemia. I know about 10 myself.

Check out, and tell your boyfriend about it.

I really believe that you will feel relieved to know that it's not as hard as others may make it seem to kick that cancer to the curb.

Wish you all the best.
Reply:I know a little girl who had ALL at age 2, was in remission and considered cured. Then, at age 12, she was diagnosed AGAIN with ALL... now she is 15 and doing well! How's that for a miracle story?
Reply:Well, for starters, my son is a leukemia survivor, he has been in continuous remission for 2 years and 7 months; the daughter of one of my friends, she was diagnosed with leukemia when she was 18 months old and now she is 7 years old and doing great!, as a matter of fact.. I know many leukemia survivors because I have came in contact with them due to my son's illness. Most of the people with ALL get well, it is actually one of the cancers with the higest curation rate. Your boyfriend will be fine, dealing with the treatment will be difficult, but he is going to make it. Good luck.
Reply:i have not personally survived ALL but i can tell you that it does happen for lots of people. i am in my early 30s and when i was a child, my best friend next door was diagnosed with ALL and survived, she's now 31 and doing great. at that time, people were MUCH less likely to survive ALL than they are now. it will be a rough road for your boyfriend with the BMT but there is a very high chance of remission for him. i wish you both the best.
Reply:Believe in the cure, its possible!!

Try that he takes B vitamins, and many fresh juices - orange, pomegranate, broccoli and beetroot!

Besides the juices, the B and C vitamins, Zell Oxygen is a good suplemment too.

Good luck!
Reply:Leukemia is treatable.

Here is where you'll find the best info:

Best wishes
Reply:Now, I don't want to be negative, because when it comes to that type, or any type of cancer, it's crucial to be POSITIVE and have FAITH.

But unfortunately, this was my experience with it:

My brother had ALL. He was diagnosed with it a little too late.. We just confused the symptoms with a common Flu/cold and he was very stubborn when it came to taking off work and going to the Dr. At the time of diagnosis, his hemoglobin was at a 4, when a man at 25 should be 14! In other words, he was near death at that point.

Well, they began the chemo and because his body was deprived of so many nutrients for so long, his organs began to gradually fail. First it was the Kidneys, then the Liver, then he got an infection in the hospital and that infection made his heart rate double. We were told so many times that he wouldn't make it, but each time.. he did. He went through dialysis Ok, he didn't have the abnormal cancer cells in his body anymore. Even his immune system was coming back to normal. It was like YAY, AFTER ALL OF THAT PRAYING, WE FINALLY HAVE GOOD NEWS! But, his organs still werent kicking in.. and he began to retain liquids.

Then, he passed away.. His heart couldn't tolerate what the body was going through. For some people, their cancer goes into remission and they live healthy for many years, but for others, it goes and comes back. It's a terrible disease.

I don't mean to depress you with that, but the point is, it depends on when they catch the cancer. Unfortunately, we didn't catch it early. He was diagnosed in July and passed away in August. He had to have had it since the beginning of the year or something. ALL is a quickly progressing illness.

When dealing with that, you should always be positive. NEVER LET HIM GET TOO INVOLVED WITH HIS ILLNESS. I mean, I know he knows what's going on, but don't let it bring him down. His attitude will play a role on how he recovers and how fast he recovers. Let him know that he'll be ok, to be strong, have faith, and courage because that'll help him kick that illness.

I am so sorry for what you all are going through. I went through it as well. I'll keep him in my prayers. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
Reply:i dont have leukemia but i do have 2 cousins that have it and theyre both getting much better with the treatment so im sure that ur bf will too.
Reply:I can help to go back healthy with alternative therapy.

skin rash

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