One day I would like to buy my daughter a good pair of shoes.My daughter now12 has gone through endless pairs of shoes because of growing- shoes get too small.Also wondering if its better to buy more expensive sneakers like some parents Or should Istick to my plan and buy a good pair when her feet stop growing?Non expensive brands last the distance.We graduated to womens sizes.Has anyone else got this problem?
At what age do feet stopgrowing?
My 11 year old daughter is already wearing an adult size 10 shoe, so yes I am hoping she stops soon. But the good news is that extended sizes are more popular now so you can find sizes at PayLess for good prices. I used to be a Footwear manager at a sporting goods store and yes, having good shoes does make a difference when your feet are growing but I think the biggest piece of knowledge to hang onto is not to let your kids wear other kids shoes who have grown out of them. That can damage the development of the foot because every one walks differently and the footbed and the shoe become worn based on your style. You don't want your kids to be walking the same as another kid who may have different strides. Buy cheap or on sale new shoes until they stop growing!
Reply:I think in their mid teens - depends on the kid. Yes, I have the same problem - and he has a shoe thing - will suddenly say they are too small and DEMAND new ones, sometimes in a quiet place - UGH! Now I just buy them ahead of time on ebay 1/2 or 1 size larger. We also got lucky and found some at a few thrift stores. When he has a job, then he can get better brands, but until then...
Reply:Her feet will still grow for a while yet. I have the same trouble with my son, his feet are huge! I buy the cheap brands [like Kmart and Walmart or Payless Shoes] but he has four pairs to choose from. Formal, hiking boots, sandals [which can be worn almost year round here but not to school] and of course sneakers. He has to have different types for different events ect. I would buy your daughter some sturdy shoes and just realize she's going to keep growing for a while yet.
Reply:Oh yes.
My kids, and I think all kids, have the same issues.
Most foot growth stops between 14 and 18 years. I have gone with the cheaper, but still comfy shoes for now and I also plan to buy more expensive shoes when my kids' feet stop growing.
Good luck!
Reply:usually during middle school...a good thing is to buy flip flops that fit her but still are a bit can go with name brand there!
Reply:All the females in my family stopped growing around 13 yrs old. Check with your mom, grandma, aunts, etc and ask around. She should be close to them (and you).
Reply:Well, I am 14 and wear size 3 in kids. I have worn a size 3 shoes since I was ten!?!?!?
credot siosse
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