What do you know about the Grishko Fouette ballet pointe shoes, and how do you know which one to choose. My girlfriend had a Capezio ones but they didn't last too much.
Question about ballet pointe shoes?
Pointe shoes are scary things and, sometimes, you will never find one that fits you perfectly. I have been on pointe for six years and have gone through many types of shoes. My experience with Grishko shoes was not a pleasant one, but that doesn't mean your girlfriend's will be. For me, the shoes would never quite break in, and then all of a sudden they snapped in half! This may be true for me, but I know plenty of dancers whose feet look amazing in Grishkos. The only thing your girlfriend can really do to find a good shoe for her foot is to try many different pairs over time, find one that works, and stick with it. The structure of the foot can change, so she might have to change her shoe style from time to time too. Bottom line: Ballet is unnatural. It forces you to put wierd strains on your body. I mean, come on! When else in your life do you have to spin on your toes? Pointe shoes are unnatural too. None will fit you exactly right, so you have to work with them to make them work for you. Study the different brands. Usually they have a description of the shoe and with it a suggestion of what kind of foot works best with the shoe. Bloch, Grishko, Capezio, Gaynor Minden, Sansha, Freed, or the many others. Don't take suggestions from other dancers who have personally worn the shoe and who swear by it. Your feet will be different and the shoe will work in a different way for you. Have fun experimenting!
Reply:To be honest, I really don't know. But I've been on pointe for a few years now, and I can give you advice on weather a shoe is good for your girlfriend. Ask her about some shoes she'd like and then ask about her arch and her level of diffculity on pointe. Sometimes a shoe my LOOK good, but it may not BE good for a certian person. It just depends on her diffcuilty level and how high her arch is.
Reply:honestly, i've never tried anything besides Russian Pointes. but none of my friends use Grishko often. Capezio suck though, so tell her to never buy those again. from the sound of it, i think its the type of shoe that you would use to hop on pointe with. or support your foot a lot. i found this, if it helps, check it out:
hope i helped yall.
Reply:Well Grishko tends to make their pointe shoes alike. I have the Grishko 2007's and highly recommend them. My foot is tapered and somewhat wide. They lasted a LONG time! Grishko has very nice pointe shoes so I would try those. Plus I broke mine in really fast.
Also, I want to say. Don't get Chacotts unless you love pain. And Bloch's are great but very hard to break in.
neutral skin tone
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