I had seen the most lovely horse advertised with a great picture, so i called up and went down to see it - to my horror this is when i was presented with a horse that i could count every single bone on its body..thrush in its feet (they had not been picked out once since the last shoeing 6 weeks ago probably) the smell was quiet over powering. it had corns and the start of small ulcer starting in its mouth. my head is telling me to walk away and not get involved, but my heart is saying save it (don't want to tell if it's a him or her if this gets traced back) it would not pass a vetting in it's current condition,
THE PLAN; have it vetted, (it will fail) buy her if it is just the weight issue that comes up, and the blood tests are fine..i can get feet and mouth sorted out with tlc, vet and farrier.. buy it at a cheeper price as it failed.. take it home and then report the farm? this is a 3-4 yr old horse. please help... advice.. anything i am in a real state, it would make a great horse
HELP.... What do i do about this horse?
Report the farm.
Reply:bang it hard!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Take it and report the farm. Did you see any other sick animals there? Maybe you would be saving more then this horse if you do this
Reply:you should help it
go with your heart..
if you dont' it sounds like it will die
Reply:report the farm and try to save it!
and I hope it turns out ok with all my heart!
Reply:This horse sounds like it's in a terrible condition. I would DEFIANTLY buy the horse and then report the farm. The horse is young and the conditions that you have just described sounds like it won't live much longer unless You take it and nurse it back to health. There can't be a farm that does that to poor, young animals. Trust what your heart and PLEASE do what you think is best for you and the horse. Please take buying the horse into consideration. I think that the horse will be forever grateful if you do. I hope that I've helped : ] and good luck with your decision.
Reply:getiing stuff done 4 a horse is expensive especailly all the stuf u want 2 have dont 2 it so i hope u have a lot of money just report the farm and have the animal police come and save it and get it back to better help
Reply:call F*C*I*G animal control now!!!!!!! arrest their A*S
Reply:In UK report to RSPCA
In USA report to the relevant animal welfare agency.
At present do not buy it.
Reply:The vetting should be done immediately.......... and make sure you get an out-of-town vet!........... There might be an "old pals" pact around.
As for the thrush, that is easy to cure. Make a shallow paddle trough and fill it with warm malt vinegar. Stand the horse in it for at least 1/2 and hour. Regular maintenance paddles, every month, should keep the thrush away. (It works for humans as well!)
Actually, regular grooming with vinegar and water ensures the animal keeps a good coat and clears the genitals of any problems.
Regular drenches with Pure Lemon Juice will also clear the throat and airways. (also good for humans).
Reply:report the owner
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