Its not very often I wear heels cause the balls of my feet hurt and Im not the kind of barbie doll girl that would rather be crippled than not be wearing this seasons footwear.
I 'test wore' my heels last night, a walk to the bus stop, across town, to a meal and then to the taxi.... It felt like i walking on razor blades. (!)
I dont want to wear flats, so please dont answer this if thats all your going to say.
I would like advice on how to stop my feet hurting. A good brand of shoe maybe or do those jelly insoles actually work?
will my feet eventually stop hurting if i wear hells more regularly?
How do some girls manage to totter round all night in 6 inch heels without being in agony or are they in pain but in denial?
help please, im going shoe shopping tonight
How can i make my shoes comfy?
Have you tried scholl party feet? they're like little cushions you put in shoes, and they sell them at most shoe stores, keep you feet nice and comfy xx
Reply:You might wanna try putting iner souls into your shoes.
Its always worked for me
Reply:i think u should waer those shoes which got fat heels.its very stylish too.
Reply:You could try those jelly inserts - sometimes I feel they work and sometimes they don't. If your shoes aren't too tight, you could try padded inner soles. Also, you may be right with your comment about wearing heels more often - perhaps you feet would get used to the position and feel of heels. If you're going out shoe shopping tonight how about trying on different heel hights to see if that makes any difference? Good luck and happy shopping!
Reply:been there done that god i feel sooo sorry for you its a bummer if yr shoes are new and maybe slightly tight try putting slightly wet rolled up newspaper in them overnight that helps to stretch them slightly that was a cobbler that gave me that tip and it does work another thing you mentioned was those jelly insoles they only really help if yr shoes are slightly bigger to start with ,try caring a small can or bottle of peppermint cooling spray for feet from the body shop and when they sting just spray really refreshes yr feet ,but please take a tip from a high heal wearer in the long run they do NO favours for yr back i know that to my cost I'm suffering every day from chronic back pain due to constant high heals if you think about it yr really pushing yr spine in an awkward position so all I'm saying is just be care-full don't be a fashion victim but do try the peppermint spray it really does cool them happy walking :)Tc x
Reply:There are several types of shoe inserts available for heels now. Wedges are also usually more comfortable to stay in and can be just as cute, but this way your weight is more evenly distributed.
If a strap is cutting into your foot and you don't have time to break them in, or it continues doing it, put a flesh colored bandaid under the strap so it won't rub.
Usually, the more you invest in a shoe, the better it will be comfort wise (not always) bc the materials are higher quality, but I buy inexpensive heels all the time. Bandaids, shoe inserts and wedge heels are the best way to go though. You can stay in those all night long, and your balance won't be thrown off as much.
And if you find out your foot is sliding in the heel and causing discomfort, just spray some hairspray in the ball of the shoe, then let it dry for a minute. It might feel a little odd at first, but it will keep your foot from sliding down.
Unfortunately, some shoes you just can't save. If a shoe hurts in the store when trying it on, don't get it. There's only so much you can do.
Reply:Try the party feet if the shoes are open at the toe.
For closed toe shoes you can get insoles that are just for the ball of the foot that hook over your middle to to keep them in place.
If you have got a big night coming, wear your shoes around the house for a few evenings to get used to your muscles used to being in the postion.
Your feet would get used to heels if you wore them more often as the skin/flesh hardens/thickens to protect the areas if impact.
A tube of haemarroid cream is a must, rub the balls of your feet, it has a mild anesthetic in it and will numb the pain a bit.
Reply:buy some party feet gel or some confy insoles
Reply:hiya, the gel insoles are pretty good. I always suffer with the balls of my feet aching!
invest in some, they really work!
Reply:I'm exactly the same as you.
* Scholl Party Feet really help
* Maybe it's the size of the heel? Try going for a small heel like 3inches or maybe kitten heels.
*Another idea would be wedges. They're this seasons 'in' shoe and they are so easy to waer because they're flat on the bottom.
Good luck, and I hope your feet get better!
Reply:Serious answer here, but if their leather you could p.i.s.s. in them! My uncle used to work down the mines, and he always did that in his new boots to soften the leather!........A bar of soap rubbed on the offending area of shoe may be a little more to your liking tho?! ;-)
Reply:Yes Scholls PARTY FEET are definately a good option. I bought my first pair of high heels for a Christmas party last year and got the jelly inserts to go with them and they DO WORK! They are very comfortable. The only tip is to try them on in store with the shoe because I needed a half size bigger shoe to accomodate the insert. After wearing heels for a while, your feet should get used to them and you'll find them easier to wear. Good luck!
Reply:It might be that you just have to keep practise wearing them in, you could try those Jellies, but it maybe simply that they are new shoes.
If they feel stiff, rub a bit of vaseline on the affected area, and then you may feel the pain less.
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